Monday 20 August 2012


Here are some of the photos I've taken so far:

I spotted this sign at Aalborg Airport

The Olympic fever was still raging when I arrived at Heathrow Airport. You could buy anything from official OL t-shirts to mugs and pins. Although I never got further than the airport, at least I can say that I was in London at the same time as the OL

Can you guess who these two houses belong to? No? Think American movies and tv-shows about university life. That's right, those two houses belong to fraternities! They actually have the Greek lettering and everything!

Feast your eyes on the UNI Dome where all the football matches are played. It's quite magnificent and pretty huge in real life. I can't wait to go to my first football game       

This was at the Panther Picnic. People gathered to eat, listen to music (there was a dj), ride the ferris wheel and dance. There was a dance competition and damn, I must say those American know how to dance! Suddenly everyone started dancing and all us International students watched them in awe

The ferris wheel

We went to an International dinner where they served a lot of different dishes, but what really caught my eye was this very vintage looking cart-thing where they served lemonade and coffee

This is Becks, a sport bar which serves really good food. While eating you can watch tennis, baseball, football, etc. etc.

I found this kind of funny. It's a drive-through ATM.. Maybe it's common other places as well, but the only ATM's I've ever seen, you actually have to get out of your car and withdraw the money. Americans drive everywhere - seriously

Her er de billeder, jeg har taget indtil videre. 1) Aalborg Lufthavn. 2) En OL shop fra Heathrow Lufthavn. 3 og 4) Studenterforeninger. 5 og 6) Amerikansk fodbold stadium 7 og 8) En picnic, hvor de studerende kunne spise, lytte til musik og prøve et pariserhjul. 9) En slags vintage vogn, hvorfra man kunne få lemonade og kaffe. 10) Becks - en sportsbar med god mad. 11) Drive-through hævemaskine

Sunday 19 August 2012

A busy, busy week

This week has been extremely busy and exhausting. But in a good way. The International Office has kept all of us exchange students so preoccupied that there has been no time to get homesick. I want to upload this week's schedule to show you the things I've been up to, and I'll do it soon - right after my computer gets fixed. I have internet now and have borrowed a computer from UNI, but I'd like my own back nonetheless.

Due to the lack of photos and lack of time to write anything really descriptive, I'm going to list 5 facts I found funny/strange/frustrating about America and Americans:

  • White bread: I've been here for a little over a week now, and I have yet to find any dark bread. I'm not talking brown bread (rugbroed), although I miss that a bit, but just regular dark bread. It's nowhere to be found! Apparently they only eat white bread.
  • Appearence: As an International student walking around campus, you feel a bit out of place. It's not so much the language or demeanor as it is the way you dress and generally look like. The majority of students at UNI dress extremely casually. What I mean is that they wear sweats, t-shirts, flip-flops, etc. and preferably in purple and yellow (school colors). It doesn't matter if it's weekend, a school day, a party: they wear this combination of casual clothes everywhere. I feel overdressed everyday.
  • School pride: Like I mentioned before the students here at UNI like to show off their school colors. In general they're very proud of their university and take every chance to express it. They decorate their rooms in school colors, put up posters, wear clothes with the university's name on it and so forth. There are even people getting married on campus! There was one couple who met on campus and became a couple before later marrying in the very university.
  • The 'L' word: When speaking to Americans or listening to them speak, I sometimes feel as if I'm stuck in a bad episode of The Hills... (who am I kidding, they're all bad).. Americans use the word 'like' excessively. If there's room in a sentence for a 'like', they'll throw it in there just for the heck of it. It can be a bit infuriating since the word is only a filler and carries no meaning when they use it, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. 
  • Athletes: At UNI you can spot right away who plays for an athletic team and who doesn't. The football guys all enter the cafeteria at the same time, stack up a bunch of food on a plate and drink a lot of pepsi/lemonade/you name it. They actually don't eat very healthy and you would think that they do since they're on a pretty tight work-out schedule. Their clothes distinguish them as well. The guys like to rip the sleeves of their shirts: I guess to show off their bodies.

Denne uge har vaeret ekstremt travl og udmattend, men bestemt paa en god maade. Det International Kontor har soerget for, at vi har vaeret saa travle, at vi ikke har haft tid til hjemve. Min computer er stadig ikke fixet. Naar den virker igen vil jeg begynde at uploade billeder samt denne uges tidsplan, saa I kan se, hvad jeg har lavet. 

Monday 13 August 2012

Settled in at UNI

So I'm here now. At UNI in Cedar Falls. I've moved into my room, I've walked around campus, I've eaten at the cafeteria, I've gone out for a run, I've spoken to Americans, I've spoken to other International students and generally been trying to adjust to life here. Unfortunately my computer and net is not working yet, so I'll have to borrow the computers on campus until I get it running. Therefore it'll be a little while before I get some pictures up on the blog and before I can blog on a regular basis.

This week will be all about orientation - getting to know the American way of living, the UNI, classes, etc. etc. Hopefully my computer will be fixed before the end of this week.

Jeg befinder mig nu i Cedar Falls. Jeg er flyttet ind paa mit vaerelse, jeg har udforsket campus, og jeg har talt med baade Amerikanere og andre internationale studerende. Uheldigvis virker min computer og net ikke i oejeblikket, men jeg regner med at det kommer op og koere igen ved udgangen af denne uge.  

Thursday 9 August 2012

Packing is a bitch

I whole-heartedly disagree with the airlines that think that 23kg of luggage is enough to bring with you. I could easily use 30 or 40kg. I'm finished packing and all but man, it was quite some struggle. My main issue was concerning my shoes - I'm only bringing six pairs.. SIX PAIRS.. That's nothing!!
-breathe out- Moving on. I'm leaving tomorrow from Aalborg airport at 06:50. Then I'm going from Copenhagen to London, London to Chicago, Chicago to Waterloo. I got a loong flight ahead of me.

23kg er ikke nok at tage med sig i flyet. Jeg har kun seks par sko med, hvilket i min verden er ingenting.. Men nok om det. Jeg flyver i morgen tidlig kl. 06.50. Først fra Aalborg til KBH, fra KBH til London, London til Chicago og Chicago til Waterloo. Det bliver en laaang dag.

Saturday 4 August 2012

This is not a "Goodbye", only a long "I'll see you later"

Yesterday I held a going-away party for some of my best friends. It was an evening of food, chatting, joking, playing, drinking and later it became a night of dancing and fending off drunk Norwegian guys (if anyone asks, my name is Katarzyna, I'm a lesbian, and I'm going to the US to study medicine). It was brilliant and a proper send-off. I managed not to get too emotional, although I must admit I had to hold back a few tears when I was presented with a notebook in which they all had written a greeting. Of all the things I'll miss the most here in Denmark, our bantering easily makes top 3.

So since I know they'll all be reading the blog, I want to give a shout-out to the lovely girls. First and foremost, thank you for yesterday! It's a really good start to my US journey. Second of all, thank you for drinking my "pretend" sex-on-the-beach and not vomiting. Some of you seemed to enjoy it just a wee bit. Thirdly, I'll miss you all terribly! Luckily I'm only gone for 5-6 months so I'll be seeing you all in the new year. Lastly, you can all keep in contact with me by either Facebook, email or Skype. I hope that you do!

With that I'll finish this post in a high spirit: this is not a goodby, only a long I'll see you later!

Tak til alle pigerne for en rigtig fed 'farvel'-fest i går aftes! Jeg kommer til at savne jer! Heldigvis siger jeg ikke farvel, men vi ses senere!